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pale! But now, let us send a greeting to Mrs. Valeria
Sorock and deal with her questions.
The first question a is:  How can one overcome
Fear? You must know what you fear. What do you
fear? Do you fear the Unknown? Until you know
what it is that you fear you cannot do anything about
it. Fear is a harmful thing, it is a shameful thing, it is
a thing which stultifies progress. How to overcome
fear; the best way is to think of that thing which you
fear. Think about it from all angles. What is it? Why
should it affect you? What do you think it can do to
you? Is it going to injure you physically? Is it going
to injure you financially? Will it matter in fifty year's
If you carefully analyze your feelings, if you care-
fully go into the subject of this  Why-do-I-fear? you
will surely come to realize that there is nothing to
fear. I have yet to find anything which can make one
fear if one really goes into the matter.
Do you fear the police, or our old enemy the Tax
Collector? Do you fear things in the astral world?
Well, there's no need to because I state most
definitely that if you analyze this object, or this con-
diction, or this circumstance which causes you to
experience fear, you will see that it is a harmless thing
after all.
Do you fear poverty? Then what do you fear? Take
it out of its dark closet. Is it your  skeleton in the
closet ? Take it out, dust off the cobwebs, and look at
the problem from all angles. You will find that fear
vanishes, and always remember that if you do not
fear, then nothing in this world or off this world can
harm you. And believe me when I say that people off
this world are a lot kinder than the people on this
Now, we come to the second question, which is:
 How does one know when one is doing right?
Every person, every entity on this world or off this
world has a built-in  censor , a part of the mind which
enables a person to know if he or she is doing right. If
a person gets drunk or under the influence of drugs,
the censor is temporarily stunned, and the behavior
of a person who is drunk or is under the influence of
drugs can be very bad, and can be far worse than
would be the case if the person's personal censor was
in working order.
You can always tell when you are doing right. You
feel right. If you are doing wrong, then you have an
uneasy feeling that something is not as it should be.
The best way to be sure of knowing if you are doing
right or doing wrong is to practice meditation. If you
wrap yourself in your meditation robe you insulate
yourself from the rest of the world, and your astral
form can become disengaged from outside influence
and can give you enlightenment direct from the
Overself. If you meditate, you see, it's not just a lump
of protoplasm giving you ideas; when you meditate
you actually receive confirmation of your good or bad
from your Overself. And so I say to you if you are in
doubt, meditate, and then you will know the truth.
Mrs. Sorock, now you have asked me something!
You ask,  How can one develop Extra Sensory
Well, sad to say some people never do. Just the
same as some people can never paint a picture, some
people cannot sing a song or if they do they are soon
told to shut up! Some people cannot do E.S.P. be-
cause they are so sure that they cannot do E.S.P. But
if one is willing to try, E.S.P. is easy. You cannot
normally do the whole bunch, you know; telekinesis,
telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, psychometry,
and the whole lot. If you've been trained in E.S.P.
from your seventh year up, then you can do it.
But, assume now that you want to learn to do some
form of E.S.P. We have to specify something, so let us
say psychometry is your choice. You are anxious to
practice psychometry. Well, you have to have exer-
cises just as if you are learning to play the piano, you
practice the scales, and you go on practicing those silly
scales day after day, week after week. And even when
you are an accomplished musician, you still have to
practice scales.
Let us get back, though, to this psychometry. You
want to learn psychometry so the best thing to do is to
have a week or two just saying to yourself in a positive
manner that you ARE going to be proficient at psycho-
metry (or clairvoyance or clairaudience, or whatever
it is you wish). You visualize yourself putting your
hand usually the left hand, on an object, and you
visualize yourself getting a clear picture, or a clear
impression about that object.
For one or two weeks, then, you fill your waking
hours with thoughts that you are definitely going to do
this. Then, after perhaps fourteen days, you wait
until the mailman has been, and you take a letter
which he has delivered, and you just gently rest your
left hand upon it before you open it, of course. Rest
your left hand upon it. Close your eyes, and sit in any
relaxed position. Let yourself imagine (later it will
really be so) that you can feel some strange influence
coming out from the envelope and tickling the palm
of your hand and your fingers.
By this time you should be getting some sort of
sensation in your left hand. Well, just try to let your
mind go blank, and see what sort of impression you
get. First it will be crude, it will be utterly rudi-
mentary. You can classify the letter as  good or  bad .
You can classify it as  friendly or  unfriendly . Then
open your letter and read it, and see if your impres-
sion was correct. If you were correct then you will
succeed rapidly, because nothing succeeds like success.
First of all try with just this one letter, that is on
one day. Next day try two or three letters, or, if you
wish, stick to one only, but this time try to  feel what
the letter is about. Persevere with it, and as you
succeed you will go on to much better things.
When you are proficient in psychometry and it
only takes practice you will be able to actually
visualize, or even actually see the person who wrote
the letter, and you will know the gist of it without
opening the envelope. It is a simple matter, and it
merely needs practice. If you are learning to touch-
type and you peek at the keys, you are putting
yourself back. You have to learn to type without
looking at the keys, and as you make progress and hit
the right keys in the right sequence, you get con-
fidence and you can go faster. It's the same with
psychometry; as you make correct  guesses , which are
really correct impressions, it strengthens your con- [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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