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We should withdraw troops from Budapest, troops.
Cde. Bulganin The Chinese cdes. have an and if necessary withdraw from Hungary as
incorrect impression of our relations with a whole. The minister of defense will issue a direc-
the countries of people s democracy. This is a lesson for us in the military-politi- tive about the suppression of insurgents in
cal sphere. the cinema, using the armed forces.
(Malinin, apparently, became nervous and Transmitted via high frequency to Cdes.
left the session.) Mikoyan and Suslov. Cde. Khrushchev sets forth the various
Officers from the state security (Hungarian) Information from Cde. Yudin on Nego- We should reexamine our assessment and
are with our troops.89 tiations with the Chinese Comrades. should not withdraw our troops from Hun-
gary and Budapest.100 We should take the
Consideration of the Draft Declaration What s the situation: Will Hungary leave initative in restoring order in Hungary. If
(Shepilov, Molotov, Bulganin) our camp? Who is Nagy? Can he be we depart from Hungary, it will give a great
trusted? About the advisers. boost to the Americans, English, and
Cde. Bulganin we should say in what French the imperialists.
connection the question of a Declaration Those taking part: Bulganin, Voroshilov, They will perceive it as weakness on our
arose. Kaganovich, Molotov, Saburov, part and will go onto the offensive.
Page 2, Par. 2, don t soften the self-criticism. Khrushchev, Zhukov, Brezhnev, Shepilov, We would then be exposing the weakness
Mistakes were committed. Shvernik, Furtseva, Pospelov, Yudin. Chi- of our positions.
Much use should be made of Leninist prin- nese comrades. Our party will not accept it if we do this.
ciples. To Egypt they will then add Hungary.101
On the Situation in Hungary We have no other choice.
Cde. Khrushchev expresses agreement. (Cde. Khrushchev, If this point of view is supported and en-
We should say we are guided by Leninist Cde. Liu Shaoqi) dorsed, let s consider what we should do.
Page 2, Par. 5 we should say we are mak- Cde. Liu Shaoqi indicates on behalf of the Agreed: Cdes. Zhukov, Bulganin, Molo-
ing a statement, not an explanation. CPC CC that troops must remain in Hun- tov, Kaganovich, Voroshilov, Saburov102
Page 3 we should speak about economic gary and in Budapest.94
equity, make it the main thing. We should say we tried to meet them half-
We should say that no troops are stationed Cde. Khrushchev there are two paths. way, but there is not now any government.
in the majority of countries. A military path one of occupation. What line are we now adopting?
We should say that on the territory of the A peaceful path the withdrawal of troops,
Polish, Hungarian, and Romanian states the negotiations. We should create a Provisional Revol. Gov t
stationing of troops is done with the con- (headed by Kadar).103
sent of their governments and in the inter- Cde. Molotov the political situation has Best of all a deputy.
ests of these gov ts and peoples.90 taken clearer shape. An anti-revol. gov t has Munnich as premier and min. of defense
been formed, a transitional gov t.95 We and internal affairs.104
We should express our view of the govern- should issue the Declaration and explain our
ment of Hungary. position. We should clarify our relationship This government we should invite them
Measures to support them. with the new gov t. We are entering into to negotiations about the withdrawal of
About support for the party and HWP CC negotiations about the withdrawal of troops. troops and resolve the matter.
and for the gov t. We should refer specifi- If Nagy agrees, bring him in as dep. pre-
cally to Nagy and Kadar. Nagy the prime minister. mier.105
Kadar a state minister.
Cde. Kaganovich, Cde. Molotov, Cde. Tildy Zoltan Munnich is appealing to us with a request
Zhukov: We should mention the Potsdam Kovacs Bela for assistance. We are lending assistance
agreement and the treaties with every coun- Losonczy a Communist and a supporter and restoring order.
try.91 of Nagy96 We should negotiate with Tito.
We should inform the Chinese comrades, the
Cde. Zhukov We should express sympa- [Source: TsKhSD, F. 3, Op. 12, D. 1006, Ll. Czechs, the Romanians, and the Bulgar-
thy with the people. We should call for an 6-14, compiled by V. N. Malin.] ians.106
end to the bloodshed. There will be no large-scale war.
Page 2, Par. 2: We should say the XX Con- Cde. Saburov after yesterday s session
gress condemned the disregard for principles Working Notes from the Session of the this discussion is all pointless.
of equality. CPSU CC Presidium on 31 October It will vindicate NATO.
Cde. Zhukov we should speak about eco- (Re: Point VI of Protocol No. 49)98 Cde. Molotov yesterday was only a com-
nomics. Information about Discussions with promise decision.
Restructuring was thwarted after the XX Gomulka
Congress. Regarding the Situation in Poland and Cdes. Zhukov, Voroshilov, Bulganin: We
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