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In the late 1970 s, we conducted another study designed
the ability to focus attention is relevant to increased accuracy
to examine the possible effects that smoking cannabis had on
in telepathy, then when one can learn to increase alpha
the EEG of volunteers. In this study we used the same
phase-coherence with the use of a good quality of cannabis,
equipment as we had used in the previous study (i.e., two
a research study might very well be able to find that cannabis
Aquarius Electronics brainwave biofeedback analyzers with
can increase the ability to do successful telepathy among
the phase comparator, designed by Tim Scully, Ph.D.). A
those couples who already have established some rapport.
good grade of cannabis was obtained so that each volunteer
We must remember, however, that clarity of mind is always a
would be smoking the same material. In those days, the EEG
consistent requirement.
biofeedback equipment was often used to judge the quality
of mind-altering materials. If a person lost some voluntary
Additional research in this area needs to be done by those
control of his/her brainwaves (that she/he had previously
who can focus attention on the real issues of the multidimen-
learned) by using any substance, it was felt to be inferior.
sional realms available to each of us. With or without
(Obviously, if that material was used too often, one would
psychedelics, telepathy and remote viewing are possible.
lose some aspect of thought, eventually.) If a person gained
Psychedelics have introduced millions of us to the concept of
some ability to exert voluntary control over his/her brainwaves
non-local spacetime and have opened the  doors of percep-
by using some substance, then that material had the potential
tion . The doors cannot be closed again!
of being  mind-expanding. This was the rule of thumb, at
that time, and occasionally students at  Altered State Col-
lege would request the use of our equipment to test their
own material.
 With or without psychedelics, telepathy and remote viewing are possible...."
m a p s " v o l u m e
n u m b e r
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